Serving individuals and families affected
by domestic violence and sexual assault.
Your abuser may be monitoring your computer activity. It is always best to access this website from a safe computer (a work computer, your friend's computer, or the local library). Click here to find out more about internet safety.
Crisis Case Management
The Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center offers
free crisis case management services that include:
Assistance applying for the Rhode Island Crime Victim Compensation Fund
Assessment of client’s needs and services
Creating a safety plan for the client, providing crisis intervention, and any necessary outside referrals
Assistance with obtaining temporary and permanent housing
Advocating for clients to create sustainable goals for themselves and increase self-sufficiency
Culturally competent and trauma informed services
Assistance applying for Social Services, healthcare assistance and financial assistance, etc.
Promote stability for the client and maintain a safe space for clients to process, understand, and overcome their interpersonal violence
For more information, call our hotline at 401-738-1700.